Signout Procedures

Here you can find information on proper signout procedures.  Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

Each and every time your student leaves campus they MUST sign out (i.e. even when leaving with an adult—parent, CC, or teacher—or simply traveling down 9th or Broad Streets with friends)

The sign-out procedure is fairly straightforward—

If a student is not traveling more than 30 miles, missing curfew, or going to be gone overnight, they simply submit a Day / Local pass.  Then they are good to leave campus.  If they will be walking or biking, they must return to campus by sunset.  Additionally students should always have at least one companion when departing campus.

If your student will be traveling beyond a 30 mile radius of campus, will be missing a curfew, or leaving campus over night, they should submit the pass of the appropriate type.  Once they have,  you will recieve an email to your NCSSM account and must approve their pass.  For this reason we ask any passes for traveling beyond a 30 mile radius of campus, missing a curfew, or leaving over night be submitted at least 24 hours in advance, unless the student is being picked up be their legal guardian.   Once a student is ready to leave for a pass of this type they MUST stop by the Bryan CC Desk to get their pass activated.   At this time their legal guardian or another adult approved of in the pass must present ID to the on-duty CC, before the student can depart.   If the student is departing campus by taxi or rideshare, this should be noted in their pass; in this case the student still comes to the desk to get their pass activated, but no one will need to present ID, as the student is departing on their own. 

We will provide students transportation to the Greyhound or Amtrak station. If your student is taking a train or Greyhound bus as part of their pass, they follow all the steps above.  In addition they must speak to the CC at the Bryan Desk at least 24 hours in advance of their travel, so we can get them added to our transport list (we will also schedule a return pickup, if needed) and should arrive back at the CC desk promptly, to ensure we get them to their train on time.  In this case, a student does not need anyone to present ID when they leave campus, since they are being taken to the station by an on-duty CC. 

Sign Out Reminders.pdf
What Pass.pdf